Who are we?

«One small step for man, one giant leap for mankind» – Neil Armstrong

Small Step Matters is a social fundraising platform f organisations (NGOs / Foundations) and individuals who wish to promote social and environmental projects in Mauritius or for Mauritians. Small Step Matters is a non-profit organisation whose primary purpose is to bring together project promoters and benefactors who wish to donate funds or time and to hereby contribute to the progress of the Mauritian society today and tomorrow.

Our mission is to democratize donations in Mauritius, making them more accessible, with the possibility to adapt them to our own desires and values. Small Step Matters becomes the showcase for project promoters in Mauritius and a One Stop Shop for Citizens who wish to help their fellows or their country. Each project, if helpful, and each donation, even small, represent small steps that summed up make a difference against indifference.

To monitor the platform, Small Step Matters has carefully drafted essential Terms of Use that all users are required to accept in order to interact on the platform. Small Step Matters relies on the each of its users, project promoters and donors, to act and behave as a responsible citizen, abiding by law and ethics. Small Step Matters will manage the platform in such way to ensure smooth and transparent operations. More specifically, Small Steps Matters will assume the responsibility of the following:

  • The validation of the projects that may be posted on the platform; and
  • A minimum of follow-up with project promoters and donors.

What is social crowdfunding? 

“The challenge is – as so many of you know – it’s very often hard to take those first steps..” – President Obama

Social crowdfunding is a way for individuals, businesses and charities to raise funds for their projects. In most cases it is the combination of a large number of people investing small amounts that allow these project promoters to find the funds required to achieve their goal, mostly via the Internet.