Success Story – Chrysalide la deuxième chance…


We at La Chrysalide aim to provide meaningful and sustainable change in the lives of women who come to us for help. With our mission of being a national (and international) center of excellence for treatment of women using drugs, we aspire to empower them through a range of services and essential components under the PROJET HOMME model, such as communal living, psychotherapeutic support, learning to adopt a structured lifestyle, and parenting skills.

We pride ourselves as being the only rehabilitation center in the Indian Ocean to provide FREE residential programs which allow women to bloom and thrive for a duration of up to two years, while providing the commitment of taking charge of the needs of the children living with them.

As we strive to stay innovative, our current endeavor is to initiate the FIRST residential program in Mauritius for Women In Distress, in the vision of providing a place for women to come to when they find themselves with nowhere to go and no one to lean on to.

Yet, we are currently finding ourselves needing funds to be able to continue providing these services free of charge for whoever would be needing them. In this light, we are sending out a call for help to be able to continue changing the lives of these women, and as we always say « One Woman Saved is a Family Saved. »


Our Main Objective are:
1. To be able to accommodate more women victims of substance abuse and their children within the residential structure and enhance the quality of our services by recruiting additional competent rehabilitation officers to provide care and support to beneficiaries 24/7. The 24/7 emergency service will be an additional service offered to beneficiaries.
2. To accommodate, in transition, women in distress (divorced, separated, single mothers, victims of violence, women having completed imprisonment periods) and their children while assuming the role of mediator with their family environment and local authorities and ensuring their integration in society through active vocational training, literacy and production workshops.
3. To ensure a follow up with women already re-inserted in “normal life” through home visits and psychological back up, if needed. This is an important part of our initial program.
4. To give specific one-to-one psychological therapy to the children living at the centre.
All the services we provide are free of charge because our beneficiaries are unable to make any contribution to the operational costs of our Centre. Though we receive a grant-in-aid, we do need to continuously raise funds to meet our financial requirements.


Although Chrysalide was conceptualised and built to provide for a community of up to 25 women and their children



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Veuillez noter qu'un montant minimum de Rs25 est requis