Poursuivre ses études malgré les obstacles de la vie… La dernière chance pour Gregorios d’aller vers une vie meilleure. Merci pour lui


Working and helping my single mom with 4 siblings is quite impossible to save money for college. Although tertiary education is free I am not Eligible unless I undertake the foundation courses at the Open University. And the latter fees are not covered by the state even for SRM registered citizens.
I have stopped school at Lower 6 to help at home but now I want to get back to my studies so I can do a better job to support my family and other people who are in the same condition as I am at the moment.
My humble request is a financial support for my studies leading to a better life.


Enroll in Open University for Foundation Courses- Obtain a BSc in Psychology at University of Mauritius- Move forward to a better life.


1 personne



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